Resources for Reimbursement of Integrated Behavioral Health and Primary Care

MeHAF continues to provide technical assistance for Maine sites wanting to implement, sustain, or improve the integration of behavioral health services and primary care. Guidelines developed for reimbursement and regulations follow. Mary Jean Mork also has created voice-over PowerPoint presentations to provide guidance on implementing and financially sustaining integrated behavioral health and primary care. Please…

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Key Informant Findings

Key nongrantee stakeholders across sectors that impact integrated care were interviewed in 2010 and 2014 to determine whether awareness of integrated care increased even among stakeholders not directly engaged in MeHAF integrated care grants.

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Sustainability of Integrated Care

Sustainability of integrated care is a priority for MeHAF. Therefore, an independent survey and interviews were conducted with former grantees 12-18 months after their MeHAF funding ended to see which elements of integrated care were continued. Almost all grantees had continued integrated care, and many expanded it to new sites. They also reported the factors…

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Integrated Behavioral Health and Primary Care Evaluation

Between 2009 and 2015, MeHAF contracted for extensive qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the Integration Initiative (integrated behavioral health and primary care). Below are several of the evaluation reports. For more details, contact Becky Hayes Boober at Overview In 2005, MeHAF launched a 12-year, $14 million integrated behavioral health and primary care initiative. Almost…

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