Health Advocacy
MeHAF has long recognized that policy advocacy is critically important to the goals of improved access to health care and better health for individuals and communities. Our current round of Health Advocacy grants was awarded in January, 2023 and concludes on December 31, 2026. For more than a decade, we have funded organizations that advocate for policies that support access and health for communities in Maine.
The Health Advocacy grant program brings together larger statewide, policy-focused advocacy organizations with small, community-based, grassroots organizations that serve people facing disproportionate barriers to accessing health services and achieving their best possible health. The program provides unrestricted operating support grants, technical assistance, and regular convenings. The approach aims to ensure a broad, multi-faceted approach to advocacy and flexibility for grantees to be responsive to a highly dynamic policy environment. All grantees meet three times per year to share their advocacy priorities and strategize about how to connect and align their efforts.
- Long-term commitment: the current round of Advocacy grants provides four years of funding for a period aligned with one full gubernatorial term and two sessions of the Maine Legislature.
- Flexible, unrestricted funding: unrestricted operating support grants allow grantees to be nimble and responsive to the changing policy landscape without having to update grant budgets and workplans as their work shifts in response to new developments and windows of opportunity.
- Convening: the program brings together a diverse set of organizations with a variety of strengths and areas of expertise to connect as a network, build shared understanding, and spur collective action.
Grantee List
- AARP Maine
- ACLU of Maine
- Consumers for Affordable Health Care
- Disability Rights Maine
- Equality Maine Foundation
- Health Equity Alliance
- Maine Behavioral Health Foundation
- Maine Center for Economic Policy
- Maine Children's Alliance
- Maine Council on Aging
- Maine Equal Justice
- Maine Family Planning
- Maine Immigrants’ Rights Coalition
- Maine Medical Education Trust
- Maine Mobile Health Program
- Maine People's Resource Center
- Maine Primary Care Association
- Maine Public Health Association
- Maine Prisoner Advocacy Coalition
- Maine Recovery Advocacy Project
- Maine Women’s Lobby
- MaineTransNet
- NAMI Maine
- Planned Parenthood of Northern New England
- Portland Outright
- Presente! Maine
- Resources and Organizing for Social Change
- Southern Maine Workers' Center