Patient Information Sharing Framework

MeHAF’s Access to Quality Care (A2QC) program was established to help health care and social services providers implement transformation of care delivery in ways that are informed by and address the needs of individuals who are uninsured.  As new payment and quality improvement strategies are put into place for all patients, the program sought to ensure…

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Healthy Waterville: Increasing Connectedness and Healthy Food for All

MeHAF’s Healthy Community initiative supports long-term, community-led efforts to improve health. Grantees have been charged with engaging people who are usually left out of planning processes in order to identify a priority health issue to address as a community and to employ collaborative processes to create comprehensive plans to integrate health, community-based services, and other…

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The Bangor Area’s Approach to Addressing Substance Use Disorder

Like many communities in the United States, Bangor, Maine has been struggling with the opioid epidemic. This case study shares how the Bangor community is using two types of MeHAF grant funding to address some of the most critical gaps related to opioid use disorders. The strategies of each grantee target different gaps in the…

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